Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Urban Departure & His Replacement

As the year progressed, I could tell there was something significantly different about Urban Meyer - and the Gators' record reflected it. From my position as the Distinguished Chair of Armchair Football Experts, I could tell that Meyer lacked that fire that I saw in previous seasons. Quite simply, he was no longer inspired by football. He looked exhausted. So, it came as no surprise to me that he resigned.

Now, as a Georgia Bulldog fan, I am glad he's gone! When he was hired, I thought to myself, We are in deep trouble. I knew this man was a winner. His accomplishments prove that I was correct. Two national titles in the few short years that he dominated the SEC, as well as the FBS.

Now, the AD for UF is searching for Meyer's replacement. There are several names being tossed around including Bobby Petrino from Arkansas (see:

For the sake of the Georgia Bulldogs, I hope that Florida makes the Zook-esk mistake of hiring Bobby Petrino. He has a great game plan but lacks the character to maintain the pride that the Gator nation deserves. I hope that you can tell that I am very conflicted about this possible move. One the one hand, I love the Bulldogs and want every advantage that would be available through the hiring of a coach that would bail on Florida if the price was right or if things aren't quite what he had hoped (viz. Atlanta Falcons!). And Petrino would certainly give that advantage! However, I respect Florida enough to hope that Foley does not make the same ridiculous hire that Tennessee made with Lane Kiffin (I saw that train wreck occurring the day it was announced)!

But what do I know...

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