Sunday, September 9, 2007

Silence is Deafening

Life is activity. We live in constant motion. In fact, we become so accustomed to activity that we come to believe that it is the only truth - especially when it comes to being active for God. We are taught over and over, do something for God. Don't be still. Don't be complacent. Unfortunately, activity for God begans to replace intimacy with God. If we are not active, then we are wasting time. Yet, God has a special way of correcting the problem. Our activity subtely becomes frenzy. Frenzy becomes anxiety. Anxiety becomes exhaustion. Exhaustion forces us to stop. There have been a handful of times in my life when I know beyond a doubt that I heard the voice of the Lord clearly speak to me. On one occasion, I was complaining that I did not have enough time. In an audible and totally external voice I heard, "If you make time for Me, I will make time for you."

One of the distinct characteristics that I noticed about Jesus Christ was that He was never in a hurry to get anywhere. This particular characteristic irked Martha when Lazarus died (Jn 11). Another characteristic was that no matter how hard people were pressing in on Him, He always - ALWAYS- paused and separated Himself to be with God.

My pastor once said, "Activity for God should always be preceded with intimacy with God."

Be still and know that I Am God...

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